Ingredients: milk, shredded free range chicken, frozen corn, carrots, onion, garlic, canola oil, herbs & spices
Nutrition: Cow’s milk is a source of calcium, fat soluble vitamin A, D and E. Chicken an excellent source of protein. Corn high in fiber and providing a source of vitamins and minerals as well as carotenoids. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, K, potassium and fiber.
Calcium can help to build and maintain strong bones, essential vitamins and minerals help with immunity and development. Protein helps with growth and tissue repair. Carotenoids support a healthy vision. Vitamin C plays in an important role in immunity and health, assists with the absorption of iron in the body. Fiber aids with digestion and preventing constipation.
Soups are an excellent option for increasing your little one’s vegetable intake and hydration in a comforting meal. It is a great way to introduce vegetables and proteins in an alternative form.
Allergens: Dairy